R.I.S.E's signature youth education program, is a social emotional learning curriculum which gives students the skills to navigate life and prevent bullying and substance abuse.
According to CASEL’s research, students who engaged in SEL interventions academically performed 11 percentile points above those who did not. Additionally, students demonstrated improved classroom behavior, an increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about themselves, others, and school.
20% of US students ages 12-18 report being bullied.
1 in 3 students said they had been the victim of cyberbullying, and 1 in 5 reported skipping school due to cyberbullying or violence as expressed in a study of students across 30 countries.
2 in 3 students said they are worried about violence in and around schools in a poll of 1 million young people from 160 countries conducted by UNICEF.
More than 1/3 of students have experienced bullying. More than 1/3 have been involved in physical fights.
Statistics from National Crime Victimization Survey and UNICEF
Statistics from Child Development, American Journal of Public Health, and Opportunity, Responsibility, and Security
Statistics from UNICEF and Review of Educational Research
The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) recently published the results of a survey of top employers outlining the skills desired in new college graduates. Likewise, the World Economic Forum identified the top skills needed for the jobs of the future. The most necessary and desired skills are not related to any STEM field or technical proficiency. Instead, they are competencies directly related to the social and emotional skills built by R.I.S.E.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services. Our team is here to answer any questions you may have and help you get started on your path to academic success.
Life-Ready-is-Future-Proof (pdf)
DownloadThought_Leadership_Summary: Life Ready Learning (pdf)
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