“Teacher-Centered: Students require many actions on the teacher's part to access content in the ELL - SE setting. Modifications- Accommodations in progress - embedding technology skills is a plus - yet allotted class time is short.”
“Students were able to control their emotions and they tried to make a right decision.”
“The students are engaged in the material and participate fully (attendance is only issue). I think overall the curriculum is wonderful and the students get a lot out of it.”
“Very powerful tool in making a positive DIFFERENCE to the students of JCMS. Based from the positive behavioral, oral and written responses of my students.”
“RISE is easy to follow, requires little planning on part of teacher, and is exactly what our students at JCMS need. RISE is easy to implement on a daily basis.”
“Happy to be aboard and move this forward! Students need to learn how to persevere through difficulties.”
“Great concepts--challenging to integrate everything in allotted time.”
“In my opinion this program is going to benefit all of our staff and student population at JCMS. I support the program 100%."
“I don't have to plan for advisory! The kids are receptive!!”
“The curriculum is straight forward, requiring very little planning. Activities are doable.”
"I am impressed and thankful for I have had opportunity to view the content.
Although your school system cannot be compared to ours in the Balkans, I think, as an educator, the idea is fantastic for the following reasons:
Emotional intelligence has always been neglected in school systems and has never been attached to this life segment in the development of young people. This segment in personality development is extremely important, because young people form in personality during the period of education.
This is why we do what we do. Read what our students think.
Download PDFRISE was awarded the Microsoft Copilot Grant, which enabled us to create our innovative RISE Homie. This AI assistant provides 24/7 support to students, teachers, and parents, addressing everyday life challenges with immediate feedback. These grants are helping us expand our reach and impact, ensuring more students rec
We are thrilled to announce that RISE has been selected for the Google nonprofit Ads Grant, allowing us to utilize $10,000 per month in advertising on Google. This grant will help us reach more students, teachers, and parents, expanding our impact and providing essential support through our innovative platform.
Furthermore, RISE has been recognized by the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) as a valuable resource. This recognition means that RISE reaches over 322,989 students enrolled in 854 schools across 129 school districts in New Mexico, supported by 21,681 public school teachers. These grants and recognitions
All students across this country are on the frontline battling distraction, spectacle, and entertainment. They are bombarded with criticism, fear, and unrestrained emotions. Student who learn seL skills are fighting back with tools and strategies from the virtue of resilience. They are learning they can control what they think. And they are understanding they have the power to decide how they feel. And when they do get hit with life's inevitable disappointments, failures, and pains, they now have a utility belt of tools, and a force field of strategies which protect them and insulate them from taking on the brunt force of life full force. They won't be overwhelmed. They will get through these obstacles knowing how to turn failure to wisdom, weakness to strength, and fear to courage. And they will learn to flourish.
Our curriculum is improving lives, benefitting students, and bringing value to our society through teaching the "how to" of resilience
To some extent then, according to employers, emotional intelligence is expected to be more important for the employability of the young person rather than the skills related to the sector.
"RISE has displayed its capacity and will to develop an educated citizenry and ensure that RISE students will realize their deepest hopes and aspirations. RISE will enrich the quality of life for their students as well as prepare more youth to do what they love and earn what they need."
Don Shalvey Ed.D.
Deputy Director US Programs
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
R.I.S.E 501 (c) 3 non-profit EIN 84-3250531 - Public Charity Status 170 (b) (1) (A) (vi)
Rio Rancho. NM.
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